My 2024 in Books

I live by the saying “you are what read” and I think it’s incredibly important to never stop reading. The hour or so of reading time before bed every night is my absolute highlight of every day (unless the book is bad, but still, hehe) and I’m always incredibly grateful to the stories that help…

Looking Ahead to 2025

As you may know, I’m a great believer in setting goals to work towards at the start of every new year. If I didn’t, I’d spend my days in a haze of reading and playing PC games, and although that’s great in general and good enough for many people, in the long run it makes…

Release Day: A Song of Reverie

Against all expectations, I still manage to write a weird little fantasy story every month, and people seem to enjoy them – which makes me endlessly happy! And I’m also quite happy to announce that the third book in me Reverie Flash Fiction collection, A Song of Reverie, is now available for purchase. You can…

How I Use AI as an Author

AI usage is a hot topic in the writing world, and rightly so. As a reader, I can completely relate to not wanting to be bombarded by a flood of low-quality books generated by lazy prompters, but as a writer I am thrilled with the plethora of AI tools now available to help me make…

Meet the Characters from Becoming Keeper

The latest prequel to the Mythical Menagerie series, Becoming Keeper, is now available for preorder! If you’ve ever wondered how Amari became the Keeper of Exotic Animals, then this one’s for you. Since I love playing around with Midjourney to create images to put up on my writing inspiration board, especially for characters, I thought…

Looking Ahead to 2024

Is it me or did 2023 just fly past? I didn’t achieve nearly as much as I wanted to this year, but I’m not beating myself up too hard about it – it’s been a tough year in many ways and at least I tried. There’s always next year to try again! Like Janus, the…

My 2023 in Books

It’s become a tradition at this time of the year to look back at the books I’ve read over the past 365 days – some I remember fondly, some I ploughed through just to get it over with, and a very few I DNF’ed because life is just too short (and those ones won’t even…
