Looking Ahead to 2022

Naively, I thought 2021 was going to be the year in which I made up for 2020… but that didn’t happen. I was fairly on track during the first half of the year, until I got a case of the plague (over my birthday, no less!) and since then, not a lot as happened (and…

My 2021 in Books

You know the old adage “you are what you eat?”, right? Well, books are food for the mind, so they shape the way you think. They allow you to live vicariously through the good and bad experiences of the characters, they present you with places and ideas new to you, and they broaden your horizons.…

My Thoughts on No Time to Die

When we heard that the last James Bond film with Daniel Craig in the titular role would be showing at our local cinema, I reluctantly agreed to a movie marathon. “Just the Daniel Craig movies!” I insisted. Life’s too short to re-watch the entire franchise, especially some of those older, campy installments. And so, for…

Release Day: A Spark of Reverie

I’ve been writing a monthly flash fiction piece, first for this website and then later exclusively for my newsletter subscribers, since December 2017. Writing these really short short stories have been incredibly fulfilling, since they give me a format in which to practice writing scenes and characters that don’t fit into my current WIP, but…

Looking Ahead to 2021

What a year. The less said about 2020, the better, am I right? As always, I’m naively optimistic about the year ahead, to the point where everything that was crappy about 2020 will immediately become a thing of the past on 1 January and the future is bright with rainbows and sunshine and all the…
