No, this is not an April Fools joke, although you probably won’t believe your luck when you see what’s in store for you below.
I’ve joined a number of promotions over at Book Funnel and Prolific Works and in all of them you have a plethora of free fantasy, urban fantasy or paranormal books to choose from! No strings attached, you don’t even have to give your email address to an author to get these books. All we ask is that you try them out, see if you like them, and then consider joining our newsletters – I mean, if you enjoyed the book, you’d want to hear more from your new favourite author, am I right?
So without further ado, please click on the image links below and have a look see if there’s anything that interests you. You’d be a fool not to give it a go.

Are you a freebie hunter? Which favourite new author have you discovered this way?