Ambrose’s Scotland

In SPRIGGAN’S QUEST, the very last installment of the MYTHICAL MENAGERIE Series 1, Ambrose has to find three legendary items. His quest takes him to Ireland, Wales and Scotland in a whirlwind race against time.

When I think of Scotland, I think of cold, misty days, tartan, warm comfort food, shaggy cows, and shortbread! It’s a country I’ve visited twice already, and I’m sure I’ll go again. I had a great time reliving those memories in Ambrose’s footsteps, and I hope you will too.

Here are a few of my favourite images from across the web showing scenes of Ambrose’s Cardiff to get your imagination going. Enjoy!

(PS: These images are plucked from Pinterest, so I don’t know who the original copyright belongs to. If you do, please contact me and I’ll gladly credit the correct source.)

Are you inspired by travel destinations? Do you like to read stories that are set in places where you’ve been or where you’d like to go? Have you ever been to Scotland?

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