I won’t lie, I’m feeling a little dejected.
I spent the better half of the last month plotting and planning the final installment of my Mythical Menagerie Series 1. I have about 20k words to write and then I’ll have reached my desired word count and the entire novel will be finished. Long hours were spent at my favourite coffee shop, sipping on a chocolate freezo and filling my notebook with pages and pages of red scribbles.
I had a plot! It was exciting! It opened up lots of new possibilities for Series 2! There was even going to be a werewolf (although I vowed you’d never find me writing about testosterone-driven alpha males).
But what it didn’t do was resolve the one outstanding plot hole that needed to be addressed to bring closure to the story arc.
So, much to my distress, I decided to push this story out to Series 2. The final installment needs to be a denouement rather than more rising action. It needs to slow down after the climax of the previous installment and it needs to feel like a satisfying ending.
So I’m back to square one. I know what I need to write about, but the details are still eluding me, and how I’m going to turn this into something that’s both entertaining and a slow-down of the action, yet exciting enough to hook readers into Series 2, is beyond me right now.
Which also means, of course, that my self-imposed deadline to have the entire novel published before the end of the year is most likely not going to happen. It might – if I can come up with a good enough idea, I’m very willing to do the early morning writing thing along with the crazies attempting NaNoWriMo this year.
It just remains to be seen if I can wrap my head around a new plot in time.
How are you doing with the goals you’ve set for yourself this year? Are you on target or are you also scrambling against the clock to try and make them happen on time?